It was the first time in history that a powered, controlled flight occurred on another planet. NASA compared it to the Wright brothers’ first flight in 1903—a moment that could change exploration forever.
Located about 120 light-years away in the Leo constellation, Exoplanet K2-18b is nearly nine times larger than Earth and has a high potential for hosting life.
The famous WOW signal—who sent this message?
The signal came from the direction of the Sagittarius constellation.
- An extraterrestrial civilization?
- An unknown spacecraft?
- Or a natural cosmic event?
Voyager 1 & Voyager 2
These spacecraft carry messages in various languages, including Bengali, which says: "Greetings and love."
Potential Impact Scenarios
How Close Are We to Extinction?
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence
One of the most famous theories suggests that the layout of the three pyramids of Giza mirrors the "Orion constellation", specifically the three stars of Orion’s Belt (Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka).
some stars in the sky, known as circumpolar stars, never set below the horizon when viewed from Egypt